Edwards Consulting AB
Edwards Consulting AB offers first class system-development skills to businesses in need of high quality solutions. We work with many aspects of the application development life-cycle: specification refinement, system design, full-stack coding, automated testing and documentation.
By working closely with the business, we can make sensible decisions about system design and automated testing.
System Design
This is a front-page topic. Good system design leads to systems that can adapt to new demands, that are easier to test and ultimately both better and cheaper. Too often, systems are built too quickly without enough thought going into the overall design.
Knowing the business is part of good design. It's crucial to know what is core and unique to the business - the implementation of the core must be easy to maintain and test. The core business logic can change over time and these changes must take place without introducing bugs.
Automated Testing
Automated testing must be used to secure the core business. Unit tests are easier to write and maintain when the core can be isolated from technical concerns - so good system design is a prerequisite for adequate test coverage. In fact, writing tests first (TDD) or using tools like SpecFlow (BDD), promotes the seperation of technical concerns from the business domain.
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Being a good consultant is about being technically competent and it's also about being a mentor, a communicator and a listener. This page cuts through the usual company talk and communicates some important aspects of how we develop software.
Concise, effective consultant communication! ;-)
//Jonathan Edwards